Volunteers play a vital role in SARA’s mission to educate our community and assist and empower people who have experienced sexual violence. Our volunteer opportunities include hotline volunteers, outreach volunteers, and special interest volunteers.
Hotline Volunteers
Hotline volunteers provide callers with appropriate referrals and resources and empower callers to make their own choices and conduct their own healing process.
Requirements to become a hotline volunteer include:
· Being 18+ years old;
· Completion of a volunteer application;
· Interview with the Crisis Services Coordinator;
· Background check; and
· 40-hour Crisis Services Training
The next Crisis Services Training is this October! Volunteers will be trained in many elements of crisis line work through the duration of training. Training consists of a mixture of lecture, small group activities, and call simulation.
Training will be on the following dates in person:
Tuesday, October 4 5:30-8:30p
Thursday, October 6 5:30-8:30p
Saturday, October 8 10a-4p
Tuesday, October 11 5:30-8:30p
Thursday, October 13 5:30-8:30p
Tuesday, October 18 5:30-8:30p
Thursday, October 20 5:30-8:30p
Saturday, October 22 10a-4p
You must attend all 8 sessions to be eligible to be a hotline volunteer. If necessary, one missed session can be made up in the next cycle of trainings.
Outreach Volunteers
Outreach Volunteers organize, execute, and participate in community awareness events; reach out to community organizations, both local and rural; table specific events; and promote the agency's vision and mission.
Special Interest Volunteers
If you have skills in social media, graphic design, or website development we have special interest projects we would love support on.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please submit an application. Any other questions or inquiries? Please visit the volunteer page or reach out to katie@saracville.org.