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Ways to Give

Every donation we receive plays a fundamental role in our work to end sexual violence and its impacts. 


$ 30      Keep the 24-hour hotline running for a day.
$ 100   Cover a therapy session for a child or adult survivor of sexual violence.
$ 250   Train one Emergency Room Advocate who offers 24/7 accompaniment to forensic exams.
$ 500   Provide prevention education for a small group of youth or adults, tailored to meet the needs of specific groups.







Mail Your Gift to: 
Sexual Assault Resource Agency
335 Greenbrier Drive, Suite 102
Charlottesville, VA 22901



Contact Development Staff

Bass Wolf, Deputy Director

(434) 295-7273 ext. 123


Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC)
We are grateful for the support we receive through this program. For state employees, our CVC code: 200074


Upon written request, financial statements are available from the Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs, in accordance with Section 57-49 of the Virginia Solicitation of Contributions Law. If desired, please contact the Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs at 804-786-1343.

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