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Howdy from Horse Camp

Fondly known as Horse Camp, SARA's Therapeutic Equine Partnering program is co-led by SARA therapist Lindsay Detlie and community partner Louise Goodling of Bent Post Farm.

This immersive experience guides survivors through a curriculum that promotes self-awareness, communication, boundaries, and ultimately how to lead from within. The horses (and one mule) reflect behaviors, emotions, and patterns of interaction in their human partners -- providing participants with increased personal awareness, the confidence to achieve, the ability to take on a leadership role and the recognition of self-limiting ways of thinking and acting.

On the final day of our summer 2019 program, teen participants celebrated their achievements by painting their equine partners (with non-toxic, washable paint). Horses and participants gathered back in the ring for a parade of colorfully painted ponies.

As the teens shared the meanings behind their paintings of flowers and rainbows, we celebrated much greater achievements of self-awareness, confidence, and healing. We are delighted to provide creative healing programs like Horse Camp when funding allows.

Your investments help provide this incredible gift to survivors by supporting staff time, healthy snacks, and program costs such as transportation and a journal for participants. For more information about SARA's Therapeutic Equine Partnering Workshops, please contact Lindsay.

Photos in this post were taken by Advocacy Coordinator, Gleibys Gonzalez. Thank you, Gleibys!

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