Dear Friends of SARA,
The national theme for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Building Connected Communities, highlights the power of social connections - where we live, learn, work, and play. There are opportunities within each area of our lives to reduce violence by ensuring spaces are safe, inclusive, and equitable.
Building a connected community for our service providers is critically important in this field. Trauma work has moments of joy and celebration, like graduating clients from the trauma therapy program when they no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD!
As you can imagine, trauma work is also taxing – no matter how good we are at self-care. Boundaries alone cannot protect us from the impacts of knowing the kind of suffering that exists in the world, in our neighborhoods, in our homes, and in our own hearts.
To successfully prevent and respond to violence on a community level, we need community involvement. That’s where you come in!
This April, we invite you to engage in SARA’s work, at whatever distance feels right to you. From community fundraisers to hotline volunteer training to joining us on April 25th for an Open House and 45th Anniversary Celebration, there are many ways to connect or reconnect!
Together, we can build resilient, connected communities in which we take care of one another and make decisions to ensure the safety and well-being of others to end sexual and gender-based violence.
With Gratitude,
Bass Wolf
Executive Director
PS. Check out the April Newsletter!