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Gifts that Cost You Nothing Now

Two easy ways to make gifts that will have an impact for those we support today and for generations to come -- and they don't cost anything now.

Gifts in Will

A gift in your will is one of the easiest ways to create your legacy and support SARA's mission. We encourage you to speak with your attorney about this option.


The following language may help you and your attorney when drawing up a bequest that meets your needs.


“I give to the Sexual Assault Resource Agency, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 335 Greenbrier Drive, Suite 102, Charlottesville, VA 22901, or its successor thereto, ______________* [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

Gifts by Beneficiary Designation

It’s easy to put your bank accounts, retirement funds, savings bonds, and more to use in eliminating sexual violence and its impact by supporting SARA — and it costs nothing now.


By naming SARA as a beneficiary of these assets, you power a lasting impact in supporting SARA's mission and building healthy communities. Your gift impacts survivors and becomes part of your personal legacy to the world.


To name SARA as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, contact your bank or insurance company to see whether a change of beneficiary form must be completed.

How to Change a Beneficiary Designation

  1. Login to your account or request a Change of Beneficiary Form from your custodian (the business holding your money or assets).

  2. Follow the links to change your beneficiary or fill out the form.

  3. Be sure to spell the name of our organization properly: Sexaul Assault Resource Agency (SARA)

  4. Include our tax identification number: 54-1118534

  5. Save or submit your information online or return your Change of Beneficiary Form to your custodian.

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