In the past 12 months, SARA answered 215 hotline calls. Within the same period, an answering service handled 180 calls, almost half of our hotline calls. There are benefits and challenges to an answering service outlined below, but we want to address the root issue and we need your help to make it happen!
SARA staff answers the hotline as much as we can. When we do not have adequate capacity to answer our own hotline, we turn to the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance who provides an answering service to members at a reasonable cost. Operators at the statewide hotline often answer several hotlines at once. With a vast service area, they cannot be familiar with all the local service-providers or resources. When multiple calls come in, operators take messages to free up the lines. Messages are passed to local organizations who call individuals back when the next staff member is available. It's a band aid.
What is the solution? Bring the hotline home. When our local hotline is answered by volunteers in our community, callers receive better services. SARA has only one hotline, so there is less threat of simultaneous calls. Local volunteers are trained by SARA, have information about our services, and understand community resources to assist survivors in systems navigation. Local survivors deserve local support.
What is answering the hotline like?
Hotline work is challenging and emotional work. It can also be rewarding. A call might last 5 minutes or 95 minutes, and always centers three main goals:
We provide ample training and support for you in this role. In fact, the next hotline training starts at the end of summer (details below). Learn more about becoming a volunteer and help us bring the hotline home!