Dear Friends of SARA,
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and we are gearing up for events to mark the occasion. We are officially kicking off the month this Tuesday for the National SAAM Day of Action. In many ways, every day at SARA is a Day of Action for our advocates, therapists, preventionists, and support staff. The best thing about this month is that it gives us an opportunity to partner with you in raising awareness and taking action. Here are some ways you can get involved this month (and beyond!) April 4th SAAM Day of Action Ideas
Wear teal, the color of sexual assault awareness,
Post a selfie or group photo using the tag #SAAM2023
Take Part Locally
Simcoe for SARA is a partnership with local breweries to craft a beer using Simcoe hops each April. Proceeds go to SARA.
Simcoe for SARA Release at Decipher Brewing , Saturday, April 8
Pint Night at the Batesville Market: Friday, April 14
Participate in the 30 Days of SAAM Instagram Challenge 2023
Use the calendar below (and linked here) to post on social media using the hashtag #30daysofSAAM

April 11th is Equity in Action Day #DrawingConnections
The prevention of sexual violence depends on equity. Where there is oppression, there is violence.
Have a conversation with your colleagues and peers about how equity plays a role in your work and community.
Click the link for #DrawingConnections for a resource toolkit on equity and sexual assault prevention.
April 26th is Denim Day
Originating in Italy after their Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction based on the victim’s clothing...a tight pair of jeans.
This day of action and awareness is an event in which people are encouraged to wear denim to combat victim blaming and educate others about sexual violence.
Take the pledge here!
Be an Annual Donor
Our services are completely free to anyone who needs us. We can do that because of folks just like you contribute financially toward crisis services, advocacy, therapy, and prevention. Whether it is a monthly contribution of $10 a month or a major gift to support a particular program, we can’t do our work without you!
Hope to see you around town this month!
With Kindness,
Renee Branson
Executive Director