SARA is proud to announce that we are a member of Virginia Relay Partner! Virginia Relay is the free public service that enables people who are deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind or have difficulty speaking to communicate by phone using specialized telecommunication equipment. Becoming a Virginia Relay Partner certifies that our organization has been successfully trained to place calls to and receive calls from customers who use Virginia Relay.
Each day, hundreds of calls are made through Virginia Relay. However, businesses that are unfamiliar with Virginia Relay often accidentally hang up on Relay callers. By joining Virginia Relay Partner, we hope to help eliminate the hang-ups that many Relay users experience—and ultimately provide exceptional service to our customers.
During our training, employees were educated about the different types of Relay services available through Virginia Relay—including TTY (text telephone), Captioned Telephone and Speech-to-Speech—and how to place and receive calls with each. Employees were also given a detailed guide they can refer to any time they need to place or answer a Relay call. The training session and guide will be provided to new SARA employees moving forward to ensure that all our team members can deliver the same level of exceptional service to our customers who use Virginia Relay.
We will also be adding a special Virginia Relay Partner logo to many of our marketing and advertising materials. This will let Relay users know that our employees have received education and training about making and receiving Virginia Relay calls, and that we welcome them as customers.
For more information about our participation in Virginia Relay Partner, contact us at 434-295-7273. To learn more about Virginia Relay and view a current list of Virginia Relay Partners, visit